Hollywood, You Got HomeServed! We Give These Movies a Makeover, HomeServe Style

On Sunday, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will hold its annual star-studded soirée to bestow those coveted golden statuettes upon the makers of some of the most popular and well-regarded movies of the past year. But why should those highfalutin Hollywood types have all the fun while the hoi polloi are stuck at home watching TV? On second thought, we actually love being at home (it’s kind of our thing here at HomeServe). So, we decided awards night would be a golden opportunity to have a little home-sweet-home-humored fun — and we’re rolling out the red carpet for you to join in.
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On the night of the big show — which airs at 8 p.m. Eastern Time Sunday, April 25, on ABC — we invite you to participate in our little home-themed movie name game. Here’s how:
- Choose the title of a film (any one you like; it needn’t be an award nominee) and “HomeServe” it by combining it in some clever way with a reference to household items, functions, systems, features or what have you.
- Then go on Twitter and tweet your HomeServed movie title, including the #HomeServeUpAMovieTitle hashtag — and feel free to tag @HomeServeUSA in your tweet, too.
- We’ll retweet the best ones and give you your due props.
In the meantime, check out the movie titles we came up with below, with “nominees” divided into five categories. And remember … it’s an honor just to be HomeServed.

- “Forrest Sump Pump”
- “Pipe Friction”
- “The French Drain Connection”
- “Citizen Drain”
- “Plumb and Plumber”
- “Dr. Drainage-love or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love to Plumb”
- “The Shape of Water Service Lines”
- “Toilet Story”
- “Frozen (Pipes)”
- “Fifty Shades of Gray Water”

- “The Fridges of Madison County”
- “Stove Actually”
- “Fantastic Ballasts and Where to Light Them”
- “Soul(ar Panels)”
- “Circuit Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo”

- “The Mighty Ducts”
- “About a Boiler”
- "Up in the Air Conditioner”
- "28 Days Ventilator”
- “Coils Just Want to Have Fun”

- “Ad Asphalt”
- “Gone With the Window”
- “Look Who’s Caulking”
- “Look Who’s Caulking Too”
- “Look Who’s Caulking Now”

- “St. Elmo’s Foyer”
- “Dye Hardwood”
- “Home A Loan”
- “Inglourious Banisters”
- “It Happened One Night … So We Called HomeServe’s 24/7 Emergency Service Hotline”
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