Where Is the Water Heater in My Manufactured or Mobile Home?

Nobody enjoys an unexpected cold shower, so knowing where to find your water heater is essential if something goes wrong. Locating a water heater inside a mobile or manufactured home can be particularly challenging, as they're often tucked away in unexpected places.
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Water heater locations can vary widely across models of manufactured and mobile homes. However, there are some spots you should check before calling the manufacturer for assistance.
Where Is the Water Heater in a Manufactured Home?
Usually, the water heater is in the same place as the furnace. If you're unsure where your furnace is, the most likely location is inside one of the bedroom closets or in a nearby outbuilding. Alternatively, your manufactured home may have a dedicated utility closet containing the water heater and furnace.
However, some manufactured homes have water heaters concealed inside a wall as a space-saving measure. These can be difficult to locate as they often have an access panel disguised to blend in with the rest of the wall. It's worth asking your estate agent where to find the panel when you purchase your home so that you know how to access your water heater in case you need repairs.
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Where Is the Water Heater in a Mobile Home?
Where to find a water heater in a mobile home depends on your home's size, type and age. You can often find the water heater on the outside of the structure, toward the back of the trailer.
Newer models often have a water heater inside the main structure. The most likely place to find your water heater depends on whether you have a single-wide or double-wide mobile home.
Single-Wide Mobile Home
The furnace and water heater are usually in the same place in a single-wide mobile home. If your furnace is attached to the outside of your home, check to see if the housing also contains your water heater. If not, your mobile home probably contains a small furnace room above the living area or in the area nearest the driveway.
Double-Wide Mobile Home
Double-wide mobile homes have basements containing the heating and plumbing systems. The position of your water heater depends on your home's size and specifications, but you can usually find it in the basement near the hot water tank.
Still Looking?
If you still can't find your water heater, consider contacting the manufacturer of your home for information on where to locate it and other key fixtures.